Thursday, November 29, 2012

A shitty run and some thoughts about motivation

Ran 3.5 miles very, very slowly.

Running is a love hate relationship and I'm head over heels in hate.  Sometimes, I really do love running though, and I wonder why that is. 

Where does motivation come from?  Why does it ebb and flow?

I read a really great quote once from the Mendes brothers that went something like, "Inspiration is overrated, just get out there and do the work."  It seems you don't have to be motivated, you don't have to like it, but you do have to do it.

The irony of my situation today was that I didn't want to go on a run because I felt a strong feeling of discontent, that I needed to set something straight, that I wasn't going where I wanted to go, that BLAHPASHG9(*^(^##q feeling.  However, I ran anyway, and mid run I figured it out.

Inaction = discontent

When we want something but don't act upon our desires (instead choose the passive way), we feel inept, depleted, empty--and look for something external to fill that void: TV, books, youtube, "yes" people, excuses, etc.  Anything that will give us external validation, anything that will tell us we're doing great, we're the bee's knees, we are Achilles reincarnate...all because we have a strong discontent inside ourselves because we did not act upon our dreams, we are unfulfilled so we seek outside support to rid our guilt and save our destructive egos (yeah, this is what I think about when I run...weird eh?).

The impulse for comfort is so strong sometimes, but it seems we must be Spartan and shun this desire for it gets us nowhere.

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