Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Supple ninja tissue and a rekindled fire

So as I've been waiting (passivity) for my shoulder to heal up, I've found it difficult to get motivated.  My hip has taken longer to heal and I've felt like my entire body was shut down; if I couldn't do it all then I could do nothing--strange phenomenon.  Motivation through an injury has been a recurrent issue for me.  I've learned how to stifle burnout and boredom and fend off their evil ways, but the mental issue of realizing that I'm not indestructible is tough for me to get over, for whatever reason. 

With that said, I have rekindled an interest in bio-mechanics.  How does my body work?  How is it supposed to work?  What are the optimum angles for movements?  How do I increase muscle density?  VO2 max?  Anaerobic threshold?  PC muscle power and endurance?  The list continues ad nauseum. 

I think I've started to stoke the embers for my love of running, but that is a slow process.  It hurts so damn bad getting back into it (I've only run sporadically in the last three weeks...a mixture of frustration (various issues, including the shoulder and eye surgery), lack of short term goal, and BOREDOM.

Let me just state that (excuse my language) THIS FUCKING TOWN IS UGLY AND BORING AS SHIT TO RUN THROUGH.  There's no cool buildings, trees, weird/crazy/interesting pedestrians to run past, trails, mountains, creeks...just shitty sidewalk after shitty sidewalk, housing development after housing development.  I think I could stand the suburbs if there was any shred of originality, if anything at all looked different.  But it doesn't.  Block after block it's the same old nauseating-big house-BMW-manicured lawn-boob job-toupee bullshit.  I would rather run on a treadmill...how sad is that?

Heard enough of my bitching?  Good, me too.

My WOD (no, I do not do Crossfit.  However, they do use a handy acronym and stealeth it, shall I):

Press: 95x5

S-Bar bicep curls: 5x12 @ 50 lbs.

Bent over rows:  115x5
             This was my first time doing these and I really liked them.  They seemed to hammer my entire upper back as well as stroke my recovering ego.

I then went and trained some BJJ, the sweet love of my life and my reason for existence.  I will refrain from going into that training here...maybe I'll start a jits blog?  Probably not, I can hardly keep up with this one.

Back to Crossfit.  There are some things about CF that I consider foolish, however, some aspects are genius.  Take my super-duper-uber-friend, Kelly Starrett.  He's a physical therapist who specializes in athletes and helping them mobilize and fix their soft tissue dysfunctions.  He has a blog where he posts videos, daily, and how to do this.  For free.

Welcome to the world of pain.

Here are the three I did today and I could feel a difference in my stride.  Here's the article.

Check these out.  If you have any issues with your body right now I can assure you that he has an answer somewhere.  His website is listed in my links to the right hand side of this page.

Until next time, train hard.